Engagement in 2015

1.  Deenabandhu Home for Girls:

  • The Foundation purchased for the girls 17 children’s and youth’s books in English.
  • The Evelin Remembrance Day was again financed. On the 5th anniversary of Evelin’s death the girls commemorated her on 5th and 6th of February. They spent the first day on Bhavani Island in the Krishna River and the next day in Haai Land Adventurepark near Vijayyawada. 
  • Evelin’s Foundation helped financially the mother of one of our foster girls who had broken her leg and was unable to work.
  • The Foundation purchased a public address system for the Home.
  • Additional funds were given to the Home for two tutors before the exams at the end of the school year 2014/15.
  • For the school year 2015/16 the Foundation finances two tutors.
  • The Foundation adopted two more foster children, two girls age 10, who will be supported until completion of their education.

2.  Don Bosco Home for Street Children:

  • Four (4) children are again financially supported in this calendar year.


3.  Dalit Girls Project:

  • The Project of the Kindernothilfe is being supported in order to enable the so-called „temple prostitutes“ to lead a normal life and in order to abolish this system of dependency.

Informationen zur Kindernothilfe:
