Engagement in 2016

In 2016 we did not fly to India for health reasons. However, the children surprised us with celebrations of Evelin’s Remembrance Day and of our birthdays; in some celebrations we were able to participate via Skype.
Please read more about the Remembrance Day in the section Remembrance Days.

The following support was given:

1. Deenabandhu Home for Girls:

  • For the school year 2016/17 the Foundation financed again five tuition teachers.
  • The current 8 foster children were again supported by the Foundation this year. We also followed the development of all girls in the Home. The success of the principal speaks for itself since all are doing well in school and have a positive goal. Two girls plan to get the Master of Science respectively the Master of Arts.
  • The structural work for the first floor and the addition for a sick-/guest room  of the new building were  completed this year since the financing and the building permit, also thanks to the contribution by the Evelin Foundation, had been secured. The Moderator/Bishop was laying the foundation stone for MS EVELIN CHRISTIANE MEMORIAL HALL on 29th of October 2016 at the Project. Local management Committee members, local church members and other well wishers were attending.
  • The „Evelin‘s Remembrance Day“ was also a big concern to us this year and it was celebrated splendidly by the girls.


2. Dalit-Girls Project:
This Project of the Kindernothilfe was again being supported in order to enable the so-called „temple prostitutes“ to live a normal life and to get an education, and in order to stop this system of dependency.

Informationen zur Kindernothilfe:
