In 2017 we again did not fly to India. However, the Principal and the girls surprised us this year again with an impressive Evelin’s Remembrance Day and celebrations of our birthdays. The photos
speak volumes.
Support was given:
For the school year 2017/18 the Foundation again financed tuition teachers.
The Foundation continued to support the foster children.
The 2. Floor of the new building was completed this year, also thanks to the Evelin Foundation’s donation.
The Foundation financed also the furnishing of the sick-/guest room on the 1. Floor.
The Remembrance Day this year was again celebrated on two days. The girls were able to enjoy the beautiful park on Bhavani Island and on the second day they could romp around in Haia Land.
In addition, the Foundation sends each year to the foster girls, all children, the staff and Principal birthday and Christmas presents.
Friends of the Foundation also send regularly clothes for small children to the Principal who then distributes them to the poorest in the town.
Because one of our foster girls moved away with her parents, the Foundation accepted a 12-year old girl as a new foster child at the end of 2017.