We continue to support the Don Bosco Home for Streetchildren in Hyderabad, because it is very important to us to provide an education to the boys.
However, at the beginning of February we traveled this time directly to the Deenabandhu Home for Girls in Machilipatnam to spend not only six days as in the past, but ten days with the girls. We
wanted to experience the ‘Evelin’s Remembrance Day’ on 5th and 6th of February with our foster children and all girls in the Home.
We were again heartily welcomed at the Home with flower garlands, handicraft work, embroidered and painted gifts from the children, and self-made and inscribed signs which are reflecting the
children’s attentiveness and warmth. A few girls learned to play the drums and they accompanied us the rest of the day with their rhythms.
It is astonishing, how much in a year can change, develop or mature, thanks to the support through the Kindernothilfe, the sponsors and the foster parents. All girls want to finish 12th grade or
to study. This attitude rubs already off on the small children. The principal renders it always possible to organize for the children outside of school lessons in subjects that at the
church-owned schools, because of teacher shortage, cannot be or can only be minimally offered, but which are important to pass the bachelor or to be accepted at a university. She also organizes
regular private lessons in Math, English, etc. The hope to get good grades and a good final exam is big and the girls are thankful for all support. On two evenings many children came even to my
English instructions.
We also looked at the structural foundation of the new building which is being built because the rear part of the old building is unusable since the last storm. The financing of the upper story
still has to be secured.
One afternoon we visited the Noble College, met the director and a few professors, and we could verify the quality of the computer room, the chemistry lab, etc. Seven girls now attend the Noble
or the Hindu College to pass 12th grade or the bachelor degree, and they have concrete plans for their future. Three girls are studying already in their second year at Noble College and they are
certain, to complete next school year, their last year, with the bachelor degree. They study political science and history, respectively biology respectively economics. We were able to
follow them the last four years and are hopeful that they will find a good job after their studies. At least L. would like to continue her studies and go for the Master’s in political science and
history and J-B., who completed her Bachelor this year, would like to start her MBA study this fall.
Two girls pursue post-graduate studies with the goal of the Master’s degree. We got to be very fond of V.-L., because she is not only intelligent enough to study mathematics, but she is also a
lovable, helpful and insightful person. Many become a nurse, a registered nurse or study to find work in the healthcare system.
Even our foster children develop more specific ideas for their future. M. started this year her studies to become a registered nurse (4 years) and S. would like to work in the healthcare system,
therefore she pursues a diploma (2 years). The four little ones are busy with their homework and their dreams.
Girls who do not pass 12th grade, can pursue a trade and become, for instance, a seamstress. The principal finds even for these girls a fitting occupation.
Thus, the girls, their parents and the principal can always be happy about success stories at the end of a school year. We were able to follow their diligence and progress in the last four
The girls are always busy, with homework, or with the daily tasks in the Home, in the Computer Center, or with handicraft, embroidery, painting or reading, or simply with having fun.
The Outreach Team in the Home, which the girls established themselves, goes to the local slums and teaches the children there besides hygiene and games, also much about life, for instance through
One afternoon a doctor held a free medical camp. She gave the children prophylactic medication, spoke about health issues and answered questions by the girls.
On two Sundays we attended church services and had the opportunity to meet the pastor and the congregation. We could also visited the Bishop, to speak about the plans of the South Indian
This year we met a few parents for the second time. They are very thankful for the education of their children and the support of the start of an independent life.
In addition, the girls showed us their artistic aptitudes on ‘Evelin’s Remembrance Day’ with songs and sketches.
On two days we remembered our daughter Evelin this year, the 5th anniversary of her death. On the first day of the ‘Evelin’s Remembrance Day’ the children took again a ship to Bhavani Island on
the Krishna river and the second day they spent in Haailand.
The first day was beautiful, already on the ship the upper deck was decorated in memory of Evelin and much was said, sung and recited in her memory. In the evening we drove to Haailand and
stayed overnight in a resort hotel. The hotel management had organized for the children a memorable evening by putting mattresses on the floor of two conference rooms to have 61 girls experience
a “cool” camping night.
You can read more under the topic “Evelin’s Remembrance Day 2015”.
Machilipatnam is about 60 km from Vijayawada, the new capital city of the State Andhra Pradesh. It was great to see how in Vijayawada new building is taking place and a lot of renovation in order
to live up to being the new capital city. This rubs off on Machilipatnam also which lies at the gulf of Bengal and has a small fishing harbor.
This time we again drove with the girls to the ocean, a relaxing experience with sun, wind and ocean breeze. The younger son of the principal, who studies information technology,
accompanied us. Her older son, who studies computer science, was able to come the day before we left, so that we could meet him as well. On that evening the cultural event took place with
songs, dances and sketches, when we again could only be amazed at the girls’ many talents. As every year, prizes were distributed again, including the Evelin-Christiane main prize, an all-around
prize. A fitting end to a revealing journey.